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Monday, June 24, 2013

Apa Itu Nissan Almera Impul ? 

Cuba lihat gambar kat bawah ni, inilah hasilnya setelah kereta ALMERA itu telah di tambah dengan IMPUL.

IMPUL, untuk maklumat lanjut mengenai apa itu IMPUL boleh lawat ke www.impul.com.my.

Harga Nissan Almera Impul

Untuk Nissan Almera, versi impul boleh ini boleh di tambah semasa anda mahu membeli kereta. Semua Pemasangan Impul adalah terus dari Kilang, bukan di Pusat Servis. Jadi, anda tempah kereta, baru pihak Kilang akan pasangkan untuk andam jadi lebih berkualiti dan terjamin. Lagipun ada Waranti dari pihak ETCM.

Untuk Impul harga adalah RM9500 untuk Rim 16", jika anda mahu Rim 17" cuma perlu tambah RM800 jadi total adalah RM10300. Harga ini perlu ditambah dengan mana-mana variant pilihan anda, contoh anda pilih varian VL RM79813.50, jadi tambah impul RM9500, total OTR adalah 89313.50. 

Baiklah, Apa yang ada dengan Pakej Impul ini? lengkap dengan aksesori ke? 

Saya banyak mendapat pertanyaan seperti di atas, di sini saya akan cuba terangkan. Pakej Impul ini hanya UPGRADE kereta anda menjadi lebih sport. Aksesoi yang di UPGRADE ialah (lihat Gambar di bawah)

*Pakej Impul ini Tidak disertakan sekali dengan PAKEJ AKSESORI.
 AT LAST....................THIS IS MY NEW BABY..........ALHAMDULILLAH.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Absolute Freedom of New Media Would Bring Harm to Social Harmony

  Freedom is normally seen as a good thing in term of condition to be free or giving power to act and think without externally imposed restraints. However in my perception, absolute freedom is dangerous if being misused beyond control especially when the merging of new media which everything can be communicates through the technologies. There are terms that can be describe as new media such as the emergence of electronics communication and some of the popular examples are Weblog, Social Networking Sites, Instant Messaging and many more.
Online journalism also can be referring as the new media that define as the news online by uploading in on the World Wide Web so it can be accessed by just about anyone. It is a way of getting all sorts of information by your fingertips. With this modern era, this kind of new media been used increasingly popular through years by years.

Malaysia is one of the country which lives in social harmony with the entire different of ethnic group and it is important to sustain the peace between all races. As for me, if absolute freedom of the new media is practise in our country, it would definitely cause a lot of damage and harms to the social harmony that being created in this country since got their independence day.

Furthermore, Malaysia been ranked as one of the lowest countries in terms of press freedom, means that unable to voice out views and opinion and perceptions freely like other countries in the world, but in fact it have to do in an ethical and conscientious manner. Imagine if there was absolute freedom or press freedom being given to all newspapers journalists, bloggers and writers in Malaysia to convey their opinion on this matter, sure it would bring more harm than good. This kind of issues would perceive that there will not create social harmony among the different ethnic groups in Malaysia and it would just create more pressure and conflict between the ethnic groups or races in the country.
Gatekeeper is he or she who decides what information is to be disseminated to the public and what information is not to be disseminated (Shoemaker 2010). Without the gatekeeper, the society will start to think that they are given freedom of writing basically towards anything that they wanted to use with the new media which will only lead to chaos and riot if the content of the writing include anything that biased, unethical, slander, rumours and gossips. The receiver self which is using the new media will get confused and started to question the integrity and the validity of the new media.

Although there have been many negative impacts regarding towards this issue but it still have it positivity such as the new media can be very useful and interesting. All the information can be access using the internet and have a great diversity of views on everything. While Caveat Lector (Reader beware) quote that, “Don’t believe everything you read, and don’t judge a Web site by its appearance alone.” From this quotes it is define that each things of information comes from it sources and for us to know the validity or the truth we should analyse and thinks rationally because we can easily be manipulate of each information and the facts  that if the sources kept been unknown. Try to verify the same information elsewhere. This is important if the information trying to manipulate and against of previous understanding or if intend to use it for critical purposes such as an important of health, family, or anything else.  

In this new era called modernization, person who just sits in front of their computer or using their devices, handheld and others just cared about their social technological activities. One important thing that every users should bear in mind that spend many time in cyber world is not good in health either mentality and physically. Instead of misuse the new media, people should play each of their role in order to create social harmony and use the absolute freedom that been giving by government wisely but first is respect other peoples, cultures and lives in social harmony environment.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

“Systematic Lupus Erythematosus”

 In this modern era, there are small numbers of medical practitioners and public awareness does not aware of the SLE disease which can affect us badly and it takes us about 7,000 to 10,000 SLE sufferers in the country.
 “Systematic Lupus Erythematosus” or SLE is a chronic condition in which it takes place in a patient’s immune system where antibodies produced by the system attack the patient through the damage of skin, heart, lungs, kidneys, joints and nervous system.
Environment factor such as red raised bumps on the face after the exposure from the sun, the body system such as bad joint pains and prolonged fever are the symptoms of SLE.
Says the Health Ministry Director-General, Datuk Danial Hazuddin, the disease cannot be cured but it is still can be treated.
“There have been frequent reports of medical practitioners which had giving incorrect diagnoses of the condition as SLE manifests different symptoms each time depending on the tissue or organ that being attack,” he says.
He added in the interview session yesterday morning, there is likelihood of incorrect diagnosis and thereby the offering of wrong treatment, since it is similar to other ailments.
However, there are some clinics for the treatment of SLE and its been set up in locations like University Kebangsaan Hospital, Selayang Hospital, Putrajaya Hospital, Seremban Hospital, and Taiping Hospital.
People can get more information on SLE through the website www.pslem.health.com.my or contact through 03-79577672.

“Ambulance and its Safety”

             In average of public car accident especially towards the ambulance in Malaysia almost 57 accidents each year that had been record since five years ago which stated by the Ministry of Health, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said the amount of the statistic it is not include with the minor accident.

            The statistic of the accident shows that it is from 137 hospitals and over 800 government clinic that have almost 1402 ambulance in all the places which can be accommodate towards the public.

            As for me, it is irresponsibility of the ambulance driver, the government also the society which the accident should not be happen especially towards the public car that had and emergency and someone life is in it to be save.

            Many factor can be the reason of this kind of things that can be happen which is the weather in Malaysia such as rainy that that maybe the ambulance will lose it stability, also the condition of the road itself that is the Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) which does not do their work consistency such as do some road check in each places that might need to be repair also the last factor maybe how the ambulance driver and the society have the responsible towards all the accident can be happen.

            Moreover, Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai had said that all the ambulance had been stabilized with safety that according towards the transport specification which been approved by the Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan and Puspakom and the modification still in progress according towards the timetable.

            For me as the concern people which definitely felt shame with this kind of situation that bring the negative impacts towards the public transportation. There are many solutions that government itself should take it for further progress which is firstly the transport itself, make some changes and added more safety such as the speed limit of the ambulance, choose wisely of the driver as the example is make a progress test regarding towards the safety in handling the emergency situation and all of the hospital’s driver that is under government or private should took part in the Standard Operation Procedure that been organize by the government themselves.

            Therefore, we as the society should take these issues seriously in order to achieve high perspectives towards the government especially the public transportation likes the ambulance. It is important that our country can get through the same level with others country that may have many people and try to adapt and copy of how their react in such emergency situation and how is the safety that been taken too.


Saturday, October 29, 2011


      “Sucks, M-I-L-f , wtf”, adalah contoh dimana manusia-manusia “Generasi Y” ini telah menggunakannya. Mungkin untuk orang-orang yang telah menjangkau 30 tahun dan keataas akan merasa pelik dengan ayat-ayat yang digunakan namun bagi remaja-remaja dari belasan tahun sehingga yang menuntut di universiti memahami ayat tersebut.

            Banyak aspek yang boleh ditunjukkan di dalam dunia siber sebagai biadab contohnya orang-orang politik sibuk memaki hamun, menghina Negara di dalam blog-blog merka, remaja-remaja yang terdedah dengan media contoh dari segi pornografi, pembunuhan, cara memukul orang, cara menjadi mat rempit, how to flirt with girls dan banyak lagi yang boleh diakses dengan mudah di dalam dunia siber ini.

            Internet merupakan salah satu medium yang penting pada zaman ini dimana semua urusan dapat dilakukan di dalam sekelip mata tidak kira untuk mencari info mahupun isu-isu yang ingin diketahui. Ia digunakan oleh semua lapisan masyarakat tidak kira tua atau pun muda.

            Saya telah membaca berulang-ulang kali rencana yang telah ditulis oleh Dr Rahmat Ghazali yang diterbitkan di dalam Utusan Malaysia yang bertajuk “Kesan kebiadaban di dunia siber” yang menunjukkan antara kesan penggunaan internet terhadap rakyat di Malaysia yang berbilang kaum serta agama semakin menjadi-jadi di atas sebab kebebasan yang disalahertikan dan penyalahgunaan medium utama ini boleh menyebabkan kucar kacir seta perbalahan antara kaum serta melemparkan kata-kata kesat yang tidak berperikemanusiaan antara satu sama lain.

            Segelintir rakyat di Malaysia kurang memahami apa yang dimaksudkan dengan “kebebasan bersuara” yang telah digariskan oleh kerajaan serta falsafah demokrasi sehingga ada diantaranya yang menyalahertikan sebagai kebasan mutlak bersuara. Undang-undang Malaysia seperti Akta Hasutan Seksyen 2 dan 3 (1) yang mengatakan bahawa setiap perbuatan, percakapan, atau penerbitan tidak dianggap hasutan selagi ia tidak mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menimbulkan kebencian terhadap mana- mana pihak. Perkara ini menerangkan bahawa setiap individu diberikan kebenaran untuk meluahkan pendapat mereka selagi tidak menimbulkan syak-wasangka daripada mana-mana pihak lain supaya sejarah lama tidak akan berulang contohnya seperti yang berlaku pada 13 Mei 1969. Pastinya ia akan memberi satu tamparan buruk serta pengalaman pahit yang tidak mahu diulangi oleh semua orang.

Saya juga tertarik dengan petikan yang ditulis oleh Dr. Rahmat yang menguraikan isu mengenai “ Dengan data penggunaan kata-kata kesat seperti yang dipaparkan, tidak hairanlah jika Negara seperti Iran (pada awal Februari) telah mengharamkan enjin carian ‘Google’. Pastinya tindakan kerajaan Iran adalah untuk mencegah carian-carian maklumat dan berita yang boleh merosakkan minda masyarakat serta keharmonian negara. Namun kita pasti itu bukanlah penyelesaian yang berkesan, (Dr Rahmat, 2010).

            Saya bersetuju dengan petikan tersebut kerana tiada penyelesaian yang cukup berkesan jika sekatan berlaku. Jika perkara sebegini berlaku di Malaysia, saya merasakan ia adalah satu tindakan yang sia-sia kerana masih banyak lagi enjin-enjin carian yang lain serta boleh diakses. Tambahan, kerajaan juga tidak mahu untuk menanggung masalah sekiranya menyekat akses terbesar diseluruh dunia ini dengan tomahan serta kritikan dari pengguna atau rakyat. Perkara yang akan mereka timbulkan adalah mengenai kebebasan bersuara serta demokrasi yang cuba dilakukan di dalam negara.

            Justeru itu, saya mencadangkan bahawa kerajaan mewujudkan penapisan di dalam carian enjin untuk menghalang dari berlakunya isu-isu negatif dalam negara tersebar secara meluas di dalam alam siber ini supaya ia tidak akan mempengaruhi mana-mana pihak.

            Bagi remaja-remaja ‘Golongan Y’ pula, mereka ini harus dikawal kerana mereka merupakan waris pemimpin masa depan kita. Jika terdedah dengan alam siber mereka mungkin akan mempunyai pemikiran yang berlainan serta mudah terpengaruh dengan perkara-perkara negatif. Golongan-golongan ini seharusnya dididik dengan perlembagaan negara serta nilai-nilai murni yang perlu diterapkan dalam pemikiran setiap insan serta menghormati satu sama lain sekiranya mereka mahu diri mereka dihormati.

            Saya turut bersetuju dengan kenyataan Goh Cheng Teik (1978), suasana panas persekitaran kini umpama ‘bom jangka’ yang boleh saya tafsirkan sebagai kenyataan panas serta merbahaya contohnya peristiwa bersejarah 13 Mei yang telah menjadi pengalaman perit di dalam negara kita. Perkara sebegini mungkin boleh berlaku kembali sekiranya alam siber tidak dikawal serta dibendung dan kerajaan perlu mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga dan waspada terhadap semua perkara.

            Pada pendapat saya, gagasan 1 Malaysia memberi impak yang besar terhadap negara. Walaupun segilintir masyarakat mengatakan bahawa gagasan ini tidak berhasil namun bagi saya kita sebagai rakyat telah berjaya dan termasuk di dalam gagasan 1 Malaysia tersebut. Tambahan juga, penggunaan internet tidak sama sekali memberi kesan yang negatif untuk meneruskan gagasan ini kerana bagi saya Malaysia telah terbentuk sejak zaman kemerdekaan dimana kita telah berjaya memantapkan hubungan antara kaum walaupun ada segelintir yang masih bersifat perkauman, menindas dan sebagainya tetapi negara kita tidak akan maju dengan adanya sifat tolong-menolong serta hormat-menghormati antara sesama rakyat.

            Kita yakin dengan demokrasi yang dijalankan oleh kerajaan Malaysia mampu mewujudkan rakyat yang bertanggungjawab serta berpendidikan tinggi. Inilah masanya untuk berfikir secara rasional di dalam apa jua yang bakal kita lakukan kerana jika kita terlampau mengikut emosi ia akan membawa bencana kepada diri kita sendiri seperti kata pepatah ‘kerana mulut badan binasa’ dan janganlah menjadikan alasan kebebasan bersuara itu sebagai alat untuk memanipulasikan keadaan.